FND-1500 is the ultimate counterfeit currency detector developed to bring out the best for the Indian environment. Apart from identifying fake / counterfeit notes at a speed of 1200 notes / minute, it has unique capabilities of value counting along with handling large volume cash every day.
It has various detection methods like infra red pattern detection, water mark recognition, magnetic detection, security thread detection and ultra violet detection. In other words, it would be difficult for counterfeit currency to pass through this machine without being detected.
It is easy to operate with user friendly controls and displays. It is handy 270 mm (W) x 245mm (L) x 240mm (H) and weighing 8.9 kgs. The machine is state of the art and at the same time user friendly. It is also value for money as it is upgradable through its lifetime.
FND-1500 can be used not only for Indian rupee but also for international Currencies. Apart from checking counterfeits, the machine can be used to count and also if necessary sort currency by denomination, fitness , issue etc.
FND-1500 is therefore a complete currency management product for Banking and other commercial Institutions.